I'm listening to the radio .....

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 2013

Assalamualaikum ... salam sejahtera.

It's the second last day of January in 2013. Never want to miss jotting something  for a start of the new year. It's been quite sometimes that I had date with my blog. Wishing me ..... A HAPPY NEW YEAR. 
Getting old, without doubt ..... In sya Allah, TQ Allah for the love life and strength.

2012, years filled .... Alhamdulillah without regrets I led a great journey the whole year through. There may be some ups and down, but hey... that's life.

Alhamdulillah, Syukran Ya Allah ...... 

May 2013 be a wonderful year ..... Happy , healthy and successful years ahead .......


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